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Wir kümmern uns ums Grobe.

Mit unseren großen Baggern sind wir natürlich prädestiniert für das Thema Abbruch. Ob altes Haus oder landwirtschaftliches Gebäude wir kümmern uns um Abbruch, Abtransport und Entsorgung der Materialien und Bauschutt.

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  • Guest (Russell Turner)

    My sister has been talking a lot about Bernard's pictures and his special approach to every masterpiece he creates. It all sounded so interesting that I could not resist visiting his exhibition in Dallas 3 months ago. What I saw surpassed my expectations. James's works are really spectacular. If you live in LA, I recommend you to visit the upcoming exhibition in this city.

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  • Guest (Jim Johnson)

    Great news! I visited the exhibition of Bernard's Art School in 2010 and it was spectacular. I was completely satisfied with what I saw last month in Miami at his art exhibition. You should definitely visit the upcoming one in LA, you won't regret!

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